ACCS Briefing for Boards of Management and School Leaders - Education Updates/Current Issues
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
Attached for your information is the ACCS CPD Programme 2022/2023 which will be distributed to schools in the first newsletter of the academic year in August.
On behalf of ACCS President James Duignan and the team in ACCS Head Office, I wish to acknowledge all the work in ensuring the continuation of the operation of schools over the last academic year and to thank you for your continued/unwavering commitment. It is time for all members of senior management to take a well-earned and much needed break from school.
Likewise in ACCS we look forward to taking a break over the coming weeks. The office will close on Friday 8th July at 5:00pm and reopen on Monday 8th August at 8:30am.
During this period of closure be assured I will be available to address any emergency issues that may arise in schools. Initial contact should be made directly through my mobile on 086 2438088 as emails will not be monitored on a daily basis.
We wish you all a restful summer break and good health to you, your families and all in your school communities.
John Irwin,
General Secretary, ACCS
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
This webinar is aimed specifically at those with Data Protection roles and responsibilities in the school community especially those who manage high volumes of data on a regular basis.
The Education Conference in 2023 provides a vital opportunity for teacher leaders to network and share ideas on specific themes and areas of interest. This year’s Conference will build on the themes explored in the 2021 (online) and 2022 Education Conference hosted by Kinsale Community School. These themes include exploring Sustainability, embedding the Digital Learning Framework in schools and promoting the place of meaningful Student Voice in our schools.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Principal, Deputy Principal(s), relevant school leaders and members of Boards of Management.
DATE: April/May 2023 To be confirmed 9.30am – 3.30pm
Venue: Glenamaddy Community School, Co. Galway
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
This in-service is scheduled on an annual basis to coincide with the release of the annual allocation letters to schools by the Department of Education.
The ACCS DEIS Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the DEIS process at school level.
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
The ACCS SEN Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the SEN process at school level. These provide an opportunity for school personnel with responsibility for SEN to network and share good practices
The annual Convention marks the AGM and celebrates the work of ACCS in the preceding year. This event is one of the most important meetings in the ACCS annual calendar and provides an opportunity for ACCS, its partner stakeholders, and all Boards of Management of Community and Comprehensive schools to network and engage in meaningful and relevant in service in governance related topics over the three days.
This webinar provides participants with an understanding of the updated competency-based approach to the appointment of a Principal or Deputy Principal and explores the Appeal System for permanent Principal and Deputy Principal appointments
In 2019, ACCS introduced the Middle Leadership Training Programme following requests from its member Boards for specific in-service aimed at embedding distributed leadership culture in Community and Comprehensive schools. The programme is one of the first to be accredited by the Centre for School Leadership.
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
The ACCS DEIS Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the DEIS process at school level.
The ACCS SEN Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the SEN process at school level. These provide an opportunity for school personnel with responsibility for SEN to network and share good practices
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
The ACCS DEIS Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the DEIS process at school level.
The ISM conference is an important social event for Principals and Deputy Principals to network and build relationships with colleagues. This event also provides a valuable opportunity for relevant and targeted in-service for senior leaders in our schools.
The ACCS SEN Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the SEN process at school level. These provide an opportunity for school personnel with responsibility for SEN to network and share good practices
School Governance can be an onerous responsibility for Boards of Management. In particular, the understanding of the role of the Chairperson of the Board and the interaction/sharing of responsibilities between the Chairperson, the Joint Patrons, the Secretary to the BOM and the school Principal are pivotal for the good governance of the school. This in-service will give participants an opportunity to discuss and learn about best practice in governing a school.
Content includes:
· Joint Patronage – a shared responsibility
· Understanding the three strands of Management
· Role of Chairperson on the Board of Management
· Leading effective and efficient meetings
· School Governance
o a collective responsibility
o obligations & core policies
o effective communication with stakeholders
o major recurring tasks
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Principal, Secretary, Board of Management and Chairperson, Board of Management.
DATE: 08/11/22 7.00pm – 8.30pm (Online)
This webinar will provide the opportunity for Principals, Secretaries Board of Management, Chairpersons of the Board of Management and Board of Management Members to discuss the following topic:
Human Resources - Governance in Schools: The Board of Management’s Responsibilities. This topic will be facilitated by ACCS Director of HR, Anne Marie Dillon.
Participants will be given an opportunity to pose questions and contribute to the discussion during the presentations.
See link below to register for Zoom webinar:
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
The ACCS Induction Programme for newly appointed Principals and Deputy Principals will be facilitated using a blended approach in the 2022/23 school year. This includes a residential event in August and follow-up online webinars scheduled across the first term of 2022/23.
This webinar will provide the opportunity for Principals, Secretaries Board of Management, Chairpersons of the Board of Management and Board of Management Members to discuss the following topics:
Health & Safety in Schools. ACCS is delighted that personnel from the State Claims Agency will be presenting on this topic.
Data Protection. This topic will be facilitated by ACCS Data Protection & Education Legal Advisor, Hilary Treacy .
Participants will be given an opportunity to pose questions and contribute to the discussion during all of the presentations.
See link below to register for Zoom webinar:
In 2019, ACCS introduced the Middle Leadership Training Programme following requests from its member Boards for specific in-service aimed at embedding distributed leadership culture in Community and Comprehensive schools. The programme is one of the first to be accredited by the Centre for School Leadership.
A series of one-hour webinars hosted online on the ZOOM platform and scheduled throughout the school year.
The ACCS DEIS Sub-Committee hosts a series of 90-minute webinars throughout the school year. These are designed to support schools in managing and leading the DEIS process at school level.
The ACCS Induction Programme for newly appointed Principals and Deputy Principals will be facilitated using a blended approach in the 2022/23 school year. This includes a residential event in August and follow-up online webinars scheduled across the first term of 2022/23.
The Digital Strategy for Schools 2022-27 seeks to advance the embedding of digital technologies across teaching, learning and assessment, building on the work under previous strategies. It aims to further support the school system so that all students across our schools have the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills they need to navigate an ever-evolving digital world successfully.
ACCS will conduct an Information Meetings for schools in Leinster during mid-September.