Work Experience
Updated Thursday, 27th October, 2022
Work experience programmes provide students with valuable experience of the work environment and help students gain practical experience, help them make career choices and build their industry skills.
Work experience is often the first time that many students experience the work environment, and good preparation and organisation of work experience programmes is essential if these opportunities are to be rewarding and safe.
Updated guide
With that in mind, the State Claims Agency and the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS) have recently reviewed and updated our Student Work Experience Programme guidance for Community and Comprehensive Schools.
This guide will assist schools in preparing for work experience programmes and help to ensure the necessary risk management controls are in place.
Key changes
The document covers a range of key areas to consider including roles and responsibilities, State indemnity and insurance, managing work experience programmes and accident reporting. It also contains a number of useful tools and checklists to help schools to deliver their work experience programmes effectively.
There have been some changes since the previous version was published in 2016. These changes include:
Inclusion of guidance around incident reporting on NIMS (the National Incident Management System)
Further clarity around Garda vetting requirements for work experience
The up-to-date Confirmation Statement of State indemnity cover is also available here for your use.
Treoir nuashonraithe don Chlár Taithí Oibre do Mhic Léinn le haghaidh Scoileanna Pobail agus Cuimsitheacha
Soláthraíonn cláir thaithí oibre taithí luachmhar ar an timpeallacht oibre do mhic léinn agus cabhraíonn siad le mic léinn taithí phraiticiúil a fháil, cabhraíonn siad leo roghanna gairme a dhéanamh agus a scileanna tionscail a fhorbairt. Is minic gurb í taithí oibre an chéad uair a bhíonn ag go leor mac léinn taithí a fháil ar an timpeallacht oibre, agus tá dea-ullmhúchán agus eagrú clár taithí oibre riachtanach má tá na deiseanna seo le bheith tairbheach agus sábháilte.
Treoir nuashonraithe
Agus é sin san áireamh, rinne an Ghníomhaireacht um Éilimh ar an Stát agus Cumann na Scoileanna Pobail is Cuimsitheacha (ACCS) athbhreithniú agus nuashonrú le déanaí ar ár dtreoir don Chlár Taithí Oibre do Mhic Léinn le haghaidh Scoileanna Pobail agus Cuimsitheacha
Cabhróidh an treoir seo le scoileanna ullmhú do chláir taithí oibre agus cabhróidh sé lena chinntiú go bhfuil na rialuithe riachtanacha um bhainistíocht riosca i bhfeidhm.
Clúdaíonn an doiciméad raon príomhréimsí atá le breithniú lena n-áirítear róil agus freagrachtaí, slánaíocht agus árachas Stáit, cláir thaithí oibre a bhainistiú agus tuairisciú timpiste. Tá roinnt uirlisí agus seicliostaí úsáideacha ann freisin chun cabhrú le scoileanna a gcláir taithí oibre a chur ar fáil go héifeachtach.
Tá roinnt athruithe déanta ó foilsíodh an leagan roimhe seo in 2016. Áirítear ar na hathruithe sin:
Treoir maidir le tuairisciú teagmhas ar NIMS (an Córas Náisiúnta um Bainistíocht Teagmhais)
Tuilleadh soiléireachta maidir le riachtanais ghrinnfhiosrúcháin an Gharda Síochána le haghaidh taithí oibre