ACCS/Info Bulletin 34/21

Re: Reopening Schools – Letter to School Principals re Resources and Guidance for Schools Reopening for 2021/22 School Year Issued 12th August.


1.      A new template COVID-19 response plan will issue to schools on 18th August 2021. This will need to be noted and adopted at the next Board of Management meeting.

2.      In advance of the new school year, staff must complete a Return to Work (RTW) form. Link provided. Existing staff can complete a new form or confirm that the details in their original RTW remain unchanged following the summer period.

3.      Training resources related to COVID-19 for any newly appointed staff: Appendix 1.

4.      Delivery of ventilation monitors to schools will start week commencing 23rd  August.

5.      New staffing circular, Circular 0042/2021 “Coronavirus (COVID-19): Arrangements for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post-Primary Schools” issued. (ACCS Info Bulletin to issue next week)

6.      School Transport: as per last year’s operations – 50% capacity.

7.      Additional Funding to support schools to operate safely in a COVID-19 context will continue to be provided for the first term of the new school year.  

8.      Communication Materials for students and parents on return to school: Appendix 2 (direct links for use on school websites will be available next week).


Is mise,

Le mór mheas,

John Irwin,


The letter can be downloaded here, agus anseo (as gaeilge)