ACCS/info Bulletin 33/19

Wed, Jun 12th, 2019

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 33/19

Re: “Turasabhaile” Online recruitment portal

Schools are asked to register with the new web-based portal which is now available to match schools with teachers who are working overseas, making it easier to match vacancies with prospective candidates.

This initiative which is led by ACCS is a web-based pilot set up by the management bodies and NAPD and provides a recruitment tool to enable potential candidates to be matched with schools which have vacancies. This is the first step in adopting a more digitally focused approach to recruitment which will also help to assess demand for jobs while at the same time identifying opportunities for qualified applicants.

Teachers are given the opportunity to email contact details, a CV, preferred employment location and specialist subjects to the website. Schools will be able to confirm vacancies and forward current school application forms for teachers.

Administrators will process personal details and match potential candidates with schools which have vacancies based on their geographic and subject preferences.

Standard job application criteria and recruitment processes and circulars will apply in order for a potential candidate to qualify for an interview with a school or management body.

There will also be a requirement for schools to provide initial interviews over video link, Skype or similar platforms.

The new portal – – will be promoted among teachers and schools on social media while the website also includes links to tips and advice for teachers who are considering returning home.

All teachers and schools applying to the system will be asked to confirm that they are happy with information being shared between prospective employers and candidates under standard GDPR regulations. Privacy notices and consent forms are included in the process for applicants and schools to share data through the site. 

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.

Paul Thornton