ACCS/info Bulletin 32/19
Thu, Jun 6th, 2019
The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.
Members of the Executive of ACCS.
ACCS/Info Bulletin 32/19
Re: Junior Cycle Management Resource Hours 2019/2020
In order to facilitate successful transition to the full implementation of the new Junior Cycle Framework, including the introduction of the final phase of new subject specifications from September 2019, it has been agreed that the provision of management resource hours will be maintained for the 2019/20 academic year, at the same level as for 2018/19. The allocation of hours for 2019/20 is as follows:
Enrolment In-school weekly coordination hours
700 + 2.25 hours
600 – 699 2.45 hours
400 – 599 1.95 hours
< 399 1.5 hours
The provision of the management resources hours is contingent on schools confirming that their Junior Cycle students have access to teaching, learning and assessment practices and arrangements in line with the Framework for Junior Cycle 2015 and the associated specifications designed by the NCCA and approved by the Minister. The Principal will, with the approval of the Board of Management, following an invitation for expressions of interest from the teachers in the school, allocate the additional teaching hours granted to the school to support him/her in implementing the new Junior Cycle. This additional time allocation is in the form of weekly coordination hours and can be drawn down over the school year. The hours can be bundled to reflect the fact that the work associated with Junior Cycle coordination in a school year may vary in quantity from week to week.
Some or all of the following activities may be included:
Supporting the Principal/Deputy Principal with planning, communication and organising substitution for teachers attending JCT in-service;
Scheduling of in-school CPD events and liaison with JCT in planning visits;
Overseeing the scheduling of SLAR meetings;
Liaising with the coordinators of SLAR meetings;
Overseeing the new Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA) reporting procedures for subjects and for L2LPs, L1LPs and short courses to parents/guardians;
Organising administration of the Assessment Tasks and making the necessary arrangements for returning the Assessment Task to the SEC.
Existing pro-rata arrangement for partial implementation will apply. Further information will be set out in the circular letter regarding implementation of the Framework for Junior Cycle for 2019/20, to be published later in the summer.
Is mise,
le mór mheas,
John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.