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ACCS/info Bulletin 25/19

Fri, May 24th, 2019

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 25/19

Re: Multi-Annual Summer Works Scheme (SWS) 2020 onwards

The Department of Education and Skills recently published CL 27/2019 (attached), ‘Multi-Annual Summer Works Scheme (SWS) 2020 onwards’. School Management should note that the closing date for applications is 30th June 2019.

The key dates for this process are:

Publication of Governing Circular Letter - 29th March 2019

Esinet system open for applications from - Mid-April 2019

Completed application forms should be returned on line via Esinet by the closing date. Schools are urged to submit applications in advance of this date where possible - 30th June 2019

Publication of list of successful applicants approved to proceed in 2020 - November/December 2019

School Authority must confirm acceptance of grant offer to the Department’s Planning and Building Unit

within 4 weeks of date of grant of approval letter

School Authority will be required to confirm to the Department’s Planning and Building Unit that the works have commenced and request draw down of 70% of the grant aid within 6 months of the date of grant approval.

School Authority will be required to have requested the drawdown of the final 30% of the grant aid within 12 months of the date of grant approval letter

Categories of work eligible for funding, are prioritised on the following basis:


1: Life Safety Systems (Fire Alarm, Fire Detection and Emergency Lighting) Priority/Category

2: Roof Works Priority/Category

3: Electrical Works (other than Life Safety Systems) Priority/Category

4: Mechanical Works Priority/Category

5: Science Labs (incl. Gas Works) Priority/Category

6: Toilet facilities Priority/Category

7: Windows Projects Priority/Category

8: Curricular Requirements (excl. Science Labs) Priority/Category

9: Fabric defects Priority/Category

10: External environment projects Priority/Category

Under previous Summer Works Schemes, applications for projects to facilitate inclusion and access for pupils or staff members with special needs were accepted. As applications under this heading are now dealt with on an ongoing basis by the Department under the Department’s Emergency Works Scheme (EWS), applications for special needs works should not be made under this or future SWSs.

Note also that applications otherwise submitted under the EWS will be accepted only in the case of projects that are unforeseen and are an absolute emergency, as defined under the terms and conditions of that Scheme.

Works not covered by the SWS include:

  • Asbestos/Dust Extraction/Radon remediation projects (the Department has separate schemes for dealing with these issues)

  • Projects containing new build elements (i.e. that extend the foot print of the existing building) with the exception of toilet facilities

  • Works that should be addressed by routine maintenance such as painting, replacement of floor coverings etc.

  • Works to or provision of temporary accommodation

  • Projects that have been funded under earlier Summer Works or other schemes

  • As referred to above, works to facilitate the inclusion and access of students and staff with special needs - such works are considered for funding under the EWS.The support and guidance of Jim Twohig, ACCS Buildings Advisor, is available to all schools. Jim can be contacted directly on 086 8158518.

  • Complete details of the Summer Works Scheme are included in CL 27/2019.

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.