ACCS/info Bulletin 13/19
Tue, Mar 5th, 2019
The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.
Members of the Executive of ACCS.
ACCS/Info Bulletin 13/19
Re: DES Circular 0018/2019 Grant Scheme for ICT Infrastructure – 2018/2019 School Year
As part of the implementation of the Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 Enhancing Teaching Learning and Assessment, funding of €210m for ICT Infrastructure will be distributed to schools over the five years of the Strategy.
This circular provides information concerning the issue of €45m under the Scheme, in respect of the 2018-2019 school year. Schools are not required to apply for this funding.
Additional funding – up to €5m to be distributed on application by schools to recognise and support the ongoing work in schools in implementing the vision of the Digital Strategy for Schools, to embed the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning, up to €5m of this funding will be distributed via an application mechanism. Further information concerning the application process for the additional funding can be found at Support/ict-infrastructure/digital-strategy-for-schools-2015-2020-ict-infrastructure-funding.html. The deadline for applying for part of the additional €5 is Friday 22nd March, 2019.
Features of the Grant Scheme
The scheme is designed taking a five-year approach and in the expectation that €210m will become available over the period. This approach facilitates multi annual planning by schools.
Each school is expected to draw up a Digital Learning Plan using a whole school approach which should be reviewed and updated at least annually and which will guide the way in which the grant funding is used in a phased and coherent approach to incrementally improve learning outcomes for students.
The funding could assist schools in the implementation STEM subjects, and of new and revised subject specifications at Junior and Senior Cycle, where the use of digital technologies enables the delivery of same.
See attached circular for use of funding, items which can be purchased with this funding, funding formula (lump sum and per capita amount) eligibility for funding, procurement and technical guidance, record keeping and auditing of scheme. Schools must ensure compliance with Circular: 13/2014 Management of and Accountability for Grants from Exchequer Funds.
Is mise,
le mór mheas,
John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.