ACCS/info Bulletin 06/20

Wed, Jan 22nd, 2020

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 06/20

Re: Suspension of industrial action by grant-funded (SSSF funded) school secretaries who are members of the FÓRSA union.

The industrial action by grant-funded (SSSF funded) school secretaries has been suspended by the FÓRSA union from 21st January 2020 to allow talks to resume at the Workplace Relations Commission. The FÓRSA union has accepted an invitation to return to talks at the Workplace Relations Commission about the ongoing dispute – see link below:

The date for talks is to be advised by the Workplace Relations Commission.

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.

Paul Thornton