ACCS/info Bulletin 05/19

Mon, Jan 28th, 2019

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 05/19

Re: Introduction of the Child Protection Schools Inspection Model.

The new Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections will begin in February 2019 by the Department’s Inspectorate.

Mandatory reporting of child protection concerns by teachers and greater oversight of child protection arrangements in schools were among a range of changes that came into effect with the introduction of new Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools  in December 2017. Matching changes to inspection arrangements also began to be rolled out in 2018, and the new Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections are a further step to monitor child protection in schools.

Please find attached the Inspectorate Guide to CPSI Inspections and the letter from the Chief Inspector announcing MINISTERIAL APPROVAL FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFEGUARDING INSPECTIONS IN PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY SCHOOLS.

Please note:

  • It is important that school management is familiar with the requirements detailed in ‘A Guide to Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections’ issued by the Inspectorate. (See attached)

  • The Child Safeguarding Statement and associated Risk Assessment must be posted in a prominent public area in the school, for example beside reception.  Both documents should also be posted on the school website.

  • In the event that a school is found not fully compliant during the initial CPSI Inspection, a second inspection will be held where the school will have the opportunity to address any outstanding issues.  Both reports will be published at the same time on the Department of Education and Skills website.

  • It is important that the contents of this Information Bulletin are brought to the attention of all Board members.

The Department has also issued the following documentation to support schools meeting their child protection responsibilities:

Mandatory Templates

Schools must use the Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment templates. There are 4 templates:

Optional Templates and other supporting documents

The Department has developed a number of optional templates that Schools can choose to use:

Optional Template A: Record of how the allegation and/or concern came to be known to the DLP and record of DLP’s phone call seeking advice of Tusla (Sections 5.1.1 and 5.3.3)

Optional Template B: Template statement from DLP to a member of school personnel as to the reasons why a report has not been made to Tusla (Section 5.3.8 of the Procedures)

Optional Template C: Record of DLP informing or not informing a parent/care that a report concerning his or her child is being made (Section 5.3.6 of the Procedures)

Optional Template D: Template written notification from DLP to a parent where a child protection concern about a member of school personnel has been raised by a parent (Section 5.6.2 of the Procedures)

Optional Template E: Template Check List for preparing the Principal’s Child Protection Oversight Report (CPOR)

Optional Template F: Template for recording documents provided to the Board of Management as part of the CPOR

In addition, the Department has also developed a number of supporting documents which schools may wish to refer to:

Child Protection Case File Checklist

Guidance note on the use of unique codes or serial numbers

Communications Checklist – Child Safeguarding Statement (Sections 8.11 and 8.13.6 of the Procedures)

FAQs in relation to the Principal’s Child Protection Oversight Report (CPOR)

ACCS Programme Supporting the introduction of CPSI

  • Representatives of the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Skills will present an overview of the new Child Protection School Inspection Model at the ACCS Convention, March 27th – 29th in the Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan. 

  • This follows on the presentation given by Yvonne Keating of the Inspectorate at the In-School Management Conference, November 2018.

  • ACCS, following consultation with the Inspectorate, will also schedule regional in-service for all Board members on ‘The Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools’ with a focus on the oversight role of the Board during April and May 2019. 

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.


Paul Thornton