ACCS/info Bulletin 03/19

Mon, Jan 14th, 2019

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 03/19

Re: CL 0001/2019. Special Leave for teachers who are members of Voluntary Search and Rescue Organisations and are called-out on a Search and Rescue Operation.

The Department of Education and Skills has issued CL 0001/2019 which provides up to five days paid leave to members of Voluntary Search and Rescue Organisations who are called out on Search and Rescue Operations. This is subject to the approval of the employer and satisfactory documentary evidence of their call-out being provided. Special Leave with pay is not provided for teachers who wish to attend training courses with voluntary search and rescue organisations.

The teacher must be a member of one of the following voluntary search and rescue organisations:

  • Irish Coast Guard

  • Royal National Lifeboat Institution

  • Community Inshore Rescue Service

  • Irish Water Safety

  • Mountain Rescue Ireland

Evidence of membership should be furnished to the school when requested.

The absence should be entered on the Departments Online Claims System, OLCS.   Substitution costs will be paid by the Department for the full absence.

All documentation relating to leave under this Circular must be retained by the employer with the relevant personnel records.

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.

Paul Thornton