ACCS/info Bulletin 01/19
Mon, Jan 7th, 2019
The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.
Members of the Executive of ACCS.
ACCS/Info Bulletin 01/19
Re: Leaving Certificate Timetable 2019
Earlier this year the Minister for Education and Skills requested that the SEC review options for reducing congestion on the Leaving Certificate Examination written timetable in light of subject clash difficulties for students and in particular with the addition of Leaving Certificate Politics and Society to the timetable in 2018 which will be followed by Leaving Certificate PE and Computer Science from 2020.
Following discussions with the stakeholders, the SEC has developed a 15-day Leaving Certificate timetable extending the timetable beyond the traditional 13-day window which is focused on reducing the number of clashes on the timetable. While the SEC is mindful that this will extend the timetable to a fourth week in June and of the issues that might be associated with such a change, the most critical point is that this extended timetable has been designed to enhance the wellbeing of examination candidates by eliminating, to the greatest possible degree, the possibility that candidates will have to take three examinations in one day. However, it is acknowledged that this possibility still remains for a small number of candidates.
The SEC has taken cognisance of the broader systemic issues arising from this change including:
Support for school management
Impact of two days on schools opening and closing
Secretarial and caretaker support
School transport
In framing the proposal for a new timetable, the SEC engaged with colleagues in the Department of Education and Skills in relation to school opening; secretarial and caretaker support; and transportation arrangements. The SEC has also identified the need to extend the support provided by the SEC under the Examinations Aide arrangements in order to provide management support to any school required to open on either or both of the two days.
The 2019 Leaving Certificate Examination commences on Wednesday 5th June and concludes on the morning of Tuesday 25th June. From 2020, the afternoon of Day 15 will be used to facilitate the placement of new examinations.
The impact on the timetable is not just the addition of two days at the end. Creating the new timetable to minimise clashes has led to other changes throughout the entire timetable. The Leaving Certificate timetable for 2019 is available online at
Is mise,
le mór mheas,
John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.