ACCS/Info Bulletin 61/18

Fri, Dec 28th, 2018

The Secretary,
Board of Management and 
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 61/18

Re: Child Protection School Inspection Model (CPSI)

At the recent ACCS ‘In School Management Conference’ the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Skills presented a most informative description of the new Child Protection School Inspection model. CPSI is due to be implemented in early 2019 and this presentation is an essential part of preparation for the introduction of the new model.

ACCS recommends this presentation is circulated to all members of the Board of Management and senior management in schools to assist in their preparation for the Child Protection School Inspection model.

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.


Paul Thornton