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ACCS/Info Bulletin 18/21

Re: Leaving Certificate Oral Examinations - 1. Subject Specific Guidance.
2. Department's Position Regarding Leaving Certificate Oral Examinations.

1. Subject Specific Guidance.

ACCS has been informed by the State Examinations Commission that the subject specific guidance for oral language examinations has issued to schools. Seven documents have been issued, one for each subject. Principals are asked to note that the information is confidential and should only be distributed to those teachers undertaking oral interviewing.

2. Department's Position Regarding Leaving Certificate Oral Examinations.

See below the Department’s position regarding Leaving Certificate Oral Examinations:

The SEC issued Guidance for Management on Friday 19th March on the planning, organising, carrying out and recording of the 2021 Leaving Certificate oral interviews. In addition to this guidance, there are language-specific sets of instructions for the teachers who will carry out the interviews which will issue to schools on Tuesday 23 March.

The new model for the arrangements for the conduct of the oral Examinations in 2021 sees the oral interview being conducted by teachers locally appointed by schools but not being marked by those teachers. The interviewer will record the oral with the candidate and return it to the SEC for marking by an examiner appointed by the SEC. Thus the interview and the marking are separated into two distinct events. 

The public health guidance issued by the SEC in relation to the oral examinations were the subject of engagement with public health authorities and it is considered that these are appropriate. Interviewers and candidates will only remove their masks for the maximum interview duration of 15 minutes. Masks must be worn at all other times, including as the candidate enters and leaves the interview room.

With the new model for 2021 the arrangements set out not to introduce barriers to communication in order that candidates have the best opportunity to demonstrate their oral proficiency. There also needs to be absolute clarity for candidates as to the questions they are being asked by the interviewer. In addition, recognising that the marking is being undertaken by examiners listening to recordings of the interviews, the quality of the recording and the audibility of both interviewer and candidate is essential in order to ensure that candidates can be properly rewarded for the oral communication skills demonstrated on the day of the examination.    

The SEC funds the appointment of school appointed personnel involved in the delivery of the examinations through a funding model. For the orals, schools have discretion to appoint an Examination Aide for support, the orals and 8-10 days have been provided for this depending on school size. Reasonable additional costs specifically incurred in relation to light, heat, cleaning, caretaking and PPE, within schools, associated with the oral interviews taking place in the evenings, weekends and Easter holidays will be reimbursed by SEC. 

Is mise,

Le mór mheas,