ACCS Information Note

Turas Abhaile - Recruitment for 2021/22 School Year

Please see letter below and information leaflet attached from Turas Abhaile operating again this year. As noted by Minister Foley at ACCS Convention this initiative is both welcomed by the Department of Education and supported by ACCS.

Please follow the link to our webpage and registration in the attached flyer. Schools previously registered should re-register any new positions. Please only register if you have vacancies for full time positions in subject areas you may be finding difficult to fill.

In over two years of a pilot project, we managed to place over 160 teachers. At present we have over 200 registered teachers seeking a return to Ireland in key subject areas. We are embarking on a fresh 8 week recruitment drive of Irish teachers abroad.

Please only register vacant and close to full time positions. Please understand that teachers are trying to relocate from all over the world, leaving full time positions, therefore this opportunity at home must be a viable one. There are other mechanisms available for substitute and low contract positions. In order to ensure the integrity of this mechanism please ensure that the above is factored in your decision to register. 

We wish you well on your recruitment drive and hope you can find use in this service.
Kindest regards, Turas Abhaile team.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


Turas Abhaile School Flyer 1021

John Irwin