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ACCS/Info Bulletin 13/21

SEC Levels Matrix and Field Trips

SEC Levels Matrix:

Schools will receive a matrix from the State Examinations Commission indicating levels that students are currently registered for in Leaving Certificate 2021. A SEC circular letter will issue to schools this afternoon providing further guidance on Leaving Certificate 2021. This will include students registering on the Portal indicating subjects, levels and whether they wish to receive accredited grades and/or sit examinations. The matrix is to inform schools of current levels to support any engagement with students regarding levels.

Field Trips:

In a meeting with the SEC and Department this morning it was confirmed and clearly stated that there is no Public Health derogation to travel for Field Trips outside of 5km of the school. With particular regard to Geography, reference was made to the guidance issued in December 2020 which indicates the alternative course work options available which do not require travelling outside the school.

Assessment Arrangements for Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021


There is no adjustment to the geographical investigation. One topic is to be chosen from the list of six topics that was circulated to schools in December 2019. The list can be found below. Careful consideration must be given to which of the six topics is chosen so that the investigation, and in particular the gathering of information, can be completed in line with public health guidelines.

List of Geographical Investigation Topics for Candidates sitting the Leaving Certificate Examination in 2021:

N. B. Each candidate is required to complete a report on one of the following Investigation Topics.

1. Changing land-use in a local area.

2. The impact of migration in a local area.

3. An investigation of a local environmental issue.

4. A study of the geology of a local area.

5. Investigate the impact of two specific processes of erosion (e.g. abrasion, attrition, solution etc.) on the shaping of the landscape in a fluvial or coastal or glacial environment.

6. The impact primary or secondary economic activity in a local area.     

Is mise, Le mór mheas,