ACCS/Info Bulletin 12/21

Update to Data Protection Policy. 

ACCS Data Protection Advisor Hilary Treacy has amended Section 7.3 of the Data Protection Policy as a result of estimated marks.

Schools are requested to update their Data Protection Policy to include the following amendment:

7.3   Right of Access. You are entitled to see any information we hold about you. The school will, on receipt of a request from a data subject, confirm whether or not their personal data is being processed. In addition, a data subject can request a copy of their personal data.

If you are a student who is subject to estimated marks, and you make a data access request to the school for your estimated marks before the issue of results, the school will advise the following:

·       that in line with section 56 of the Data Protection Act, it is not possible to respond to the request at present, and

·       that the request will be taken to have been made on the later of either the date of the first publication of the results of the ‘examination’ (i.e. the Accredited Grades process), or the date of the request.

Is mise,

Le mór mheas,


Liam Ryder