ACCS: Follow-up from Briefing for Boards of Management and School Leaders – 30th May 2024.

Thank you to all who attended the May ACCS Briefing for Boards of Management and School Leaders last week.

The link to the recording can be accessed here:

Please find attached or/and links to the following documents:

1.    The PowerPoint presentation.

2.    The  Template End Of Year Report to Joint Trustees.

3.    The final report on the “Student Voice Workshop” which was facilitated at the ACCS Education Conference in April. The focus of the workshop was to reflect on how the values that are enshrined in the Characteristic Spirit statement as agreed by the joint patrons of ACCS schools are experienced by students in our schools.

At the briefing, Áine asked for expressions of interest from school leaders who would be willing to participate in the TUSLA Code of Behaviour Review Engagement Day with school leaders on the 24th of September 2024. Thanks to all who emailed and texted Áine after the briefing sharing their interest in engaging in this consultation process.

A small number of participants noted their interest on the chat during the briefing. Can those participants please forward/resend their contact details to ACCS again by completing the Google form below by Tuesday 18th June, as this information was lost unfortunately after the briefing.

Kind regards

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


·         Template: End of School Year Report to Joint Trustees

·         May 2024 Briefing for Schools

·         Education Conference SV Workshop Final Report

ACCS NewsJohn Irwin