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Enhancing Learning and Teaching in the Classroom: Promoting Student Voice

  • Mullingar Park Hotel, Co. Westmeath (map)

Welcome back to the new term and new academic year. We hope that you are feeling suitably energised after the summer break and look forward to welcoming you to the Mullingar Park Hotel, Co. Westmeath on the 23rd October, 2019 to our third Student Voice session. The day will commence with registration at 9.30 am on Wednesday morning.

This project remains open to any interested schools who are working on the area of enhancing Student and Learner Voice.

In May we asked you to work on an activity when you returned to school which could be designed to support and enhance the place of Student Voice, using the LAOS framework to guide your planning and actions. 

Activity: Using LAOS as a guide, participating schools are asked to develop one aspect of practice to enhance student voice in advance of Day 3 in Autumn 2019. Choose one statement from LAOS and map your school’s activity in the area of SV to this statement. Explore how this activity can be developed to embed SV in this area with one group of students – (small steps are best).   

While we understand that the work in this area may have just commenced at this stage in the year, we hope to provide opportunities for participants to share some of their experiences at the next meeting. With this in mind, we are asking all schools to complete the reflection form below which we will use to guide our planning for the day. The emphasis on the day will be on sharing your experiences with each other and affording participants the opportunity to learn from each other. 

Please access the link below and complete the reflection sheet (1 per school) and return to before Friday 4th October.

Please find attached:

  • Report of ACCS ‘Student Voice’ seminar for teachers and school leaders on the 13th December 2018 (Day 1)

  • Report of ACCS ‘Student Voice & Learner Voice’ on the 11th April, 2019 (Day 2)


This is the third workshop on student voice which is being facilitated by the NCCA and the ACCS. The Student Voice concept encompasses the right for learners to express their opinions, access people who influence decisions and actively participate in educational decision‐making processes. Central to this concept is the notion that working in partnership with students will enable students to become more self‐directed learners and active citizens. Please see agenda attached.

Content includes: Student Boice Agenda - October 2019

  • Supporting student voice in the classroom

  • Developing practices to enhance student voice in the school community

  • Showcasing and sharing practices from schools working on the project 

Who should attend?

This day is aimed at school leaders and teacher leaders who are interested in promoting student voice in the school and in the classroom.

Booking Delegates on the ACCS Online School Portal for CPD.

Please log on to the ACCS Online School Portal to register delegates. To access the school portal log on to or through the home page of You will require your Username (last 4 digits of the main school phone number), password and a maths captcha to login. If you require assistance with this process or your password please call ACCS Head Office staff on 01 460 1150.


Student Boice Agenda - October 2019

Earlier Event: 9 October
Special Education Needs Seminar
Later Event: 28 November
ACCS In-School Management Conference