State Examinations 2022
Publication of the 2022 Examinations Timetables
The State Examinations Commission has today released the timetables for the 2022 certificate examinations which will commence on Wednesday 8 June. The Leaving Certificate examinations will run until Tuesday 28 June, the Leaving Certificate Applied examinations will conclude on Thursday 16 June and the Junior Cycle examinations will conclude on Monday 20 June.
The Leaving Certificate timetable follows the familiar format with the examinations in new Leaving Certificate Curricular subjects of Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese scheduled to run in conjunction with the examinations in the non-Curricular languages on Monday 20 June.
There are significant changes to the scheduling of the Junior Cycle examinations this year with the introduction of Common Level in all subjects except for Irish, English and Mathematics.
Junior Cycle examinations will take place this summer having been last held in summer 2019. The examinations which take place this year will see all new Junior Cycle subject specifications being examined for the first time, with the exceptions of English, Science and Business which were previously examined; English from 2017 – 2019 and Science and Business for the first time in 2019.
The timetables may be accessed at
Publication of Further Adjustments to the Leaving Certificate Written Examinations.
On 1 February, following consultation with the Advisory Group on Planning for State Examinations, the Minister for Education Norma Foley TD announced extensive adjustments to the Leaving Certificate examinations for 2022.
To take account of the disruption to teaching and learning experienced by the Leaving Certificate class of 2022, extensive adjustments have been made to the written Leaving Certificate 2022 examinations. The decision to make these adjustments to the examination papers has been taken to provide the Leaving Certificate students of 2022 with certainty and clarity. The adjustments will provide the fairest pathway to successfully completing their post-primary education and enabling them to progress to further and higher education and training, apprenticeships and the world of work. The adjustments are the same as those that were implemented in March 2021 for Leaving Certificate 2021.
Full details of the further adjustments made to the examinations are published on and on and notified to schools, which will communicate this to students.
A subject by subject guide is available in the document, ‘Further Adjustments to the Written Examinations’. All Leaving Certificate candidates are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these adjustments. In addition to the document published today, the best guide to these extensive changes are the 2021 examination papers, which are available from the Examination Material Archive on The 2021 examination papers reflect the further adjustments and will be of great assistance to teachers and students in their preparations for the 2022 Leaving Certificate.
Further Adjustments to the Written Examinations - Leaving Cert 2022
Leaving Certificate Examination 2022 Adjustments To Papers And Timetable Publication