Our school is seeking to introduce Community Dog Therapy. Is this covered if the dog is fully trained and supervised by a qualified handler at all times?
The State Claims Agency (SCA) are aware of the benefits in the use of therapy dogs and are fully supportive of such a programme. State indemnity, as operated by the SCA indemnifies the School, its servants and/or agents in respect of any claims for personal injury and/or third-party property damage, arising from their negligence once this activity is approved by Board of Management.
State indemnity is provided under legislation, therefore it cannot be extended to cover the liabilities of a third party i.e. their negligent act(s). The ACCS should confirm that any third party it engages with has appropriate insurance cover in place which indemnifies the ACCS of the third party’s negligence.
The risks associated with the use of a dog should be identified, risk assessed, and appropriate control measures implemented. This should be completed in conjunction with the dog handler. The following risk management considerations should be taken into account (this is not an exhaustive list):
Prepare students and staff for the introduction of a therapy dog e.g. how to interact with the dog etc;
Identify areas where the therapy dogs are either allowed or prohibited;
Ensure proper sanitation measures are implemented;
Ensure that that there is appropriate animal waste disposal facilities;
Ensure that there is adequate supervision;
The handler should remain with the dog at all times and ensure that appropriate equipment is provided;
Identify sensitive personnel e.g. personnel with animal allergies etc. and implement appropriate additional controls if required.