Our school has received a solicitor’s letter in relation to an incident involving a staff member. What should we do next?
Claims brought against Community and Comprehensive Schools which are associated with personal injury and third-party property damage are managed by the SCA. For any other claims e.g. employment law, grievance/disciplinary procedures/cases contact the ACCS.
Any correspondence (e.g. Solicitor’s letter, injuries board application, etc.) associated with a personal injury or third-party property damage claim should be forwarded to the General Claims Management Unit of the SCA at stateclaims@ntma.ie, together with any other related material.
The school can acknowledge receipt of correspondence to the solicitor and advise that it has been forwarded to the State Claims Agency who will be managing the matter on behalf of your school. The SCA will be inContact with the solicitor in any event.
There is no requirement to seek legal advice or take any other action other than forwarding the correspondence to the SCA.