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A Student in our school wishes to undertake work experience in a local equestrian centre. Should the school approve this placement?

High risk activities such as those listed in the ‘Work Experience Guidance’ document should be avoided or prior approval sought from the State Claims Agency. With regards to students undertaking work experience in equestrian centres this would be consider a high-risk workplace.


Work experience programmes should be formally approved by school management. The school should also liaise with the host employer (equestrian centre) and as with any activity a risk assessment must be completed prior to the engagement of the students and identified control measures implemented.


As this is a high-risk workplace, it is essential that the student/school should not be put at unnecessary risk for the duration of the experience. In cases where students may have prior knowledge of horses, the engagement must viewed as work experience only and prior knowledge/experience should not be allowed influence the tasks/activities students are permitted to partake in e.g. riding horses, show jumping, clipping etc.


Although some students may be familiar with horses it is not advisable to permit students to participate in any task or activity that an unfamiliar student would not be permitted (due to risk assessment) to partake in.

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