Remote Learning Resources
ACCS Blended Learning Webinar - TeachNimble Powerpoint Slides.
Please see attached the PowerPoint on blended learning used by H2Learning in the workshops last week. Schools can use slides from this PowerPoint along with the other materials on the TeachNimble website with their own staff to explore the area of Blended Learning as they wish. Schools who have expressed an interest in sharing materials on the TeachNimble/ACCS forum will be contacted over the next few days. In the meantime, if any other schools wish to express an interest in working with us on this area, please contact Áine O’Sullivan, Assistant General Secretary at
Please distribute this to/bring to the attention of the person(s) who participated in the workshops/follow up clinic with H2 Learning last week.
TeachNimble Live Workshop Materials August 2020
Leaving Certificate Resources
Accessing your school PC from home
If a school needs to access a PC that’s within the school from another device at home/remotely one really useful tool that they can use is ‘TeamViewer’. It allows easy & secure remote access and is free ‘for personal use’. However it needs to be downloaded on to both the School PC that needs to be accessed remotely, and also to the home/remote device (PC, Laptop, tablet or smartphone). For this to happen someone has to physically be in the school to set it up initially. For continued remote access afterwards the PC in the school has to remain up and running.
TeamViewer is designed to connect easily to remote computers without any changes having to be made to firewalls. As TeamViewer makes outbound connections from the school over the school broadband connection, these connections are not blocked by our Schools Broadband Firewall, as these outbound connections do not pose a security risk to the school, as it works by the person at the school PC giving permission to the remote device to gain access.
online classes - Microsoft Teams
A number of you have been asking about holding online classes (via video conferencing). Microsoft Teams does this easily so I have attached two quick video tutorials which explains how this is done.
The main points:
You can schedule a meeting with your Team for any time in the future by using the calendar
If you switch on the camera they will see you. Students generally switch their own camera off and you only see their initials.
There are no limits to time or participants
You can simply upload a prepared powerpoint presentation and talk your students through them with you in full control
If you want to draw diagrams or show maths calculations the Whiteboard app integrates and students can see it live
You can record the meeting and paste it to the Team page for students to look back at it later. (It saves automatically to Microsoft Teams)
HINT: Set up a false empty Team to test it in advance (I called mine Covid-19)
HINT: Upload the powerpoint to Files on the Team page in advance to prep the students
HINT: Have the students mute their microphones during the meeting so there is no sound in the background
HINT: Post a short Microsoft Form to the Team page to get individual feedback from students.
I have done a few over the last couple of days and the students have enjoyed it. There are no external logins and all they have to do is log on to Teams and press JOIN.
(With thanks to Mr. B O’ Sullivan, Gorey CS) Resources
Resources and information for schools on the Coronavirus from (external link).