15. Stock Control
Last updated: Tue, Sep 20th, 2016 1:50:25 pm
15.1 Stock refers to class materials and other consumable goods.
15.2 The Board must establish and maintain an adequate system of stock control with the objective of ensuring that stocks of class materials and other consumables held are adequately protected against loss or misuse. This must include procedures for:-
requisitioning, ordering, receiving, checking and recording of goods inwards
safeguarding stock - restricting access, monitoring usage and precautions against misuse, theft and deterioration
arrangements for dealing with damaged or obsolete items
15.3 It is recognised that because of the scale, variety and the amounts of such consumables in a school, it may not be practical or cost effective to institute a formal system of stock control involving detailed stock records and stocktaking procedures.
15.4 Instead, the Board must put in place procedures to monitor usage in global terms by comparing usage/cost per student over time for each category.
15.5 Boards should implement a central register or registers (if a number of various Departments apply) where items of stock are signed out by staff members to assist in monitoring the use of stock and managing the ordering process.
15.6 Allocation of annual budgets to each school department using this data would facilitate the monitoring and control of expenditure by individual department heads in this area.