19. Petty Cash
Last updated: Tue, Sep 20th, 2016 6:36:02 pm
19.1 The Board may, if it so wishes, provide the Principal with a standing imprest out of the School Fund for the purpose of making such petty cash disbursements in respect of postage and other minor items as the Board wishes to delegate to him/her. The size of imprest needs to be considered in relation to school size and other local circumstances but will generally not exceed €250 per month. Refunds to the imprest must be made monthly on submission of vouched claims, made in the form which the Board may decide. Limits should be placed on the value of individual payments. Adequate records of imprests and expenditure must be maintained.
19.2 Decisions concerning the size of imprest and limits placed on the size of individual payments must be formally minuted by the Board.