Bullying and Stress as a Health and Safety Issue

Last updated: Mon, Dec 16th, 2019 12:06:01 pm

An employer's duty of care to look after the health and safety of employees includes the reasonable prevention of bullying and stress related injuries in the workplace.

The Health and Safety Authority defines workplace stress as arising "when the demands of the job and the working environment of a person exceed their capacity to meet them". Boards of Management could not guarantee to provide a stress free environment but are obliged to take reasonably practical steps to shield employees from exposure to stress and from the consequences of unreasonably stressful working conditions. To this end Principals and Boards of Management should include workplace stress as an issue in carrying out regular hazard audits.

A Dignity at Work Policy 2018 has been developed in partnership between ACCS and unions (ASTI, TUI & FORSA) representing staff in Community and Comprehensive Schools. It replaces the former Codes of Practice in dealing with complaints of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment.

This policy aims to promote dignity, respect and equality in the workplace.