27. Book Grant Scheme
Last updated: Tue, Sep 20th, 2016 9:07:27 pm
27.1 Each school year, an allocation is provided to schools under the Department's Book Grant.
27.2 The grant allocation for a school year is based on the October returns from the previous year as submitted by the school.
27.3 The per capita funding that is currently available to schools (since June 2011) is as follows:
Allocation to DEIS schools for books €39
Allocation to non-DEIS schools for books €24
The Relevant Circular is 46/2013. All enquiries regarding the circular should be made to Schools Division Financial at ccfinancial@education.gov.ie
27.4 Principals have discretion, in the manner and amount of assistance given to individual pupils. The manner of assistance could be in the form of:-
direct provision of text books on a return or non-return basis
through a school book rental scheme (see Section 25 Book Rental Scheme)
cheque payment to the family of the pupil
book vouchers
The amount of assistance to individual pupils may be fixed at the discretion of the Principal having regard to the total and relative levels of need and available resources.
The following guidelines should apply to the operation of this scheme at school level if a book rental scheme is not in place for all students:
Boards should not be involved in the consideration of individual cases, but they should devise general criteria for assisting eligible students and should oversee the operation of the scheme by the Principal.
there should be an application procedure for students which should be agreed by the Board and publicised within the school.
assistance would normally be granted on the basis of a written application.
a summary list of the eligible students assisted with the amount of assistance granted in each case and their category of need under the scheme (viz.-(1). Families mainly dependent on social welfare; (2). Families on low income; and (3). Families experiencing particular hardship should be kept for each school year.
Receipts signed and dated by parents/guardians (this could be part of the application form) or other equivalent documentation should be retained as evidence of disbursements.
the Department's grant allocation should be lodged in a separate bank account opened in the school's name for this purpose only and the account details and number notified to the Department.
the operation of the Scheme must be subject to normal internal controls and record keeping applicable to receipts and payments.
funds allocated by the Department for the purpose of this scheme may only be used for that purpose.
book grant disbursements and receipts should be shown as separate entries in school accounts. The school should perform a reconciliation of each school year's allocation showing receipts and disbursements supported by appropriate documentation. This reconciliation should be available to the Department upon request.