Please find below a final few pieces of information for you from the Hotel regarding set up, parking etc. prior to the ACCS Convention.
Set Down and Unloading Equipment
Exhibitors are required to pull up in front of the hotel to unload. Please note this is a set down area only, and if you park here for too long, please be aware that you could be clamped. I have asked the hotel to be mindful that exhibitors will need adequate time to unload equipment and make their way to the centre.
Car Parking
Car Parking is available for exhibitors at the Hotel Car Park, subject to availability. The charges for the car park are set at €3.50 per hour.
Exhibitors will be entitled to a 50% discount per hour parking (exhibitors must present their ticket to reception in order to avail of this discount)
Hotel residents enjoy a special parking rate of €12 per car per night in the underground Car Park.
Set up time
You can set up anytime from 11:00am on Wednesday 13th March.
The hotel will have some plugs for exhibitors use, but depending on your own set up you might require an extension lead. If you think you will need one, I advise that you bring one just to be sure.
Exhibitor Table Allocations
Your company name will be on a sign on your allocated table. (Please note the exhibitor spaces were allocated on a first come/first served basis)
The wifi code for The Galmont is: welcome2galway
Convention Hashtag
The convention hashtag is #ACCSCon24
The Galmont have informed us that they have some rooms free should you wish to avail of one.