ACCS/info Bulletin 36/19
Tue, Aug 20th, 2019
The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.
Members of the Executive of ACCS.
ACCS/Info Bulletin 36/19
Re: Leaving Certificate Results, Viewing and Appeals 2019.
The State Examinations Commission issued Circular S61/19 (attached) to all schools with the Leaving Certificate Results on Tuesday 13th August. The circular deals with the results and with the arrangements for viewing scripts and appealing results.
Please note Part C of the circular which deals with the appeal marking arrangements this year and the absence from school of teachers engaged as appeal examiners. The schedule of dates for the appeal marking is available in Appendix B and this may assist in planning for the absence from school of teachers undertaking the role of appeal examiner. These are substitutable absences for which substitution will be paid by the Department of Education and Skills and which can be claimed by schools through the OLCS as examinations related absences.
ACCS appreciates the real inconvenience that this process causes for schools in the week beginning the new academic year and that the changes in place require the support of school management to release teachers from school at a very busy time.
ACCS, having engaged with the SEC on this matter, recognises that the SEC is extremely conscious of minimising teacher absence to the greatest possible degree. These changes have been introduced for the benefit of candidates and requires cooperation of all stakeholders in the system working collectively in order to achieve this essential task.
Is mise,
le mór mheas,
John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.