ACCS/info Bulletin 28/19

Thu, May 30th, 2019

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 28/19

Re: Student Voice

Please see attached, a copy of the report from the most recent Student Voice Event which took place in The Mullingar Park Hotel last month. This report summarises the feedback from table discussions on the day and also sets out the agreed outcomes and next steps for schools involved in this project. Also attached is a selected bibliography which might be of use to teachers seeking to extend their understanding of Student Voice.

Outcomes and next steps:

It was agreed that:

Using LAOS as a guide, each school will continue to develop one aspect of practice to enhance student voice in advance of Day 3 in Autumn 2019. (Choose one statement from LAOS and map your school’s activity in the area of SV to this statement. Explore how this activity can be developed to embed SV in this area with one group of students – (small steps are best). Sharing of these practices by relevant students and staff will form the plan for Day 3. A showcase of achievement and progress in building a culture of student voice will take place in Spring 2020 at the ACCS Education Conference.

For further information and readings, please refer to the previous ACCS/Info Bulletin 15/19 which details the work carried out at the first Student Voice Event also facilitated by the NCCA and ACCS in December 2018.

ACCS will be in contact with all participants in this project in early September with a view to supporting schools in their work embedding SV in school.

Any schools who wish to be involved in the project for the forthcoming year should contact Áine O’ Sullivan, Assistant General Secretary, ACCS at the following email address,

Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.


Paul Thornton