ACCS/info Bulletin 15/19

Thu, Mar 7th, 2019

The Secretary,
Board of Management and
School Principal in
each Community and Comprehensive School.

Members of the Executive of ACCS.

ACCS/Info Bulletin 15/19

Re: Teacher Allocations Process 2019/20

Please find attached the presentation from the recent ACCS Teacher Allocation and Redeployment In-service presented by Geraldine Kennedy, HEO Teacher Allocation Section, Department of Education and Skills. The presentation provides a complete overview of the process. Among the issues highlighted that are of particular relevance to the 2019/20 process were:

What’s new 2019/20

  • Minor changes to the curricular concession form

  • 2 copies of Form CID 19-20 to be provided

  • Compulsory retirement age raised to 70

Key Dates

  • 8 March                      Closing date for applications for redeployment

  • 19 March                    Closing date for Form CC19/20

  • 31 March                    Closing date for redeployment review

  • 3 May                          Curricular Concession decisions issue

  • 10 May                        Closing date for Form AP 19-20

  • 28 May                        Appeals decisions will issue

  • 30 September            Closing date for Form PE 19-20

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us here in ACCS or your assigned allocations officer in the Department Allocation Section.


Is mise,
le mór mheas,

John Irwin,
General Secretary ACCS.


Paul Thornton