DES CL 75/20 - Provisional Results of Calculated Grades for Leaving Certificate Applied Year 1 2020

The provisional results of calculated grades of the Leaving Certificate Applied for Session 2 and the Final Examinations for Year 1 students are enclosed.

The documentation enclosed with this circular is as follows:

 A provisional statement of calculated grades results for each student

 A matrix showing the calculated results for each student


A provisional statement of calculated grades results is enclosed for each student.

A matrix showing the results for each student for Session 2 should be retained in the school.

A legend is provided at the back of each page of the printed matrix to explain the subject codes and grade boundaries.


These results are provisional and are subject to further check. School authorities are requested to examine the forms carefully before the results are given to students and to inform the Calculated Grades Executive Office, Department of Education (DES) immediately of any apparent discrepancy in them.

It is of the utmost importance that this request is complied with without delay.


Schools are also reminded that the Name and Date of Birth shown on the Result Form will also appear later on the Certificate of Results unless the Department is advised of inaccuracies. These details should be carefully verified and the Department advised in writing of any changes required.


Students dissatisfied with the grade achieved will have access to an appeals process. The appeals process will be an administrative process and students may not appeal against the information provided on their behalf by the school as these have already been subject to an in-school alignment process and oversight by the school principal.

Stage 1: Checks will be undertaken to ensure that the intended information was recorded correctly by the school on the relevant forms and that the information was transferred correctly from the forms to data collection system.

Stage 2: There will be a review to ensure that the data was correctly received and processed through the national standardisation process conducted by the Department.

Data checks will include a check to ensure that the rank order of the class group for the subject and level taken has been preserved in the standardisation process and that students placed on the same school-estimated mark in the same subject and at the same level taken by the school are conferred with the same calculated mark conferred by the Department.

Students dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeals process can seek further review by Independent Appeal Scrutineers.

Stages 1 and 2 will be undertaken on foot of the initial application by the student. Stage 3 will be a separate process which can be invoked by any student dissatisfied by the outcome of the initial appeal.

Students who feel that their case has not been processed correctly can make a complaint to the Ombudsman or, in the case of students under 18 years of age, the Ombudsman for Children.

Applications will be accepted only from a School Authority (i.e. the Manager, Principal or authorised representative), who must certify that the examination result is significantly at variance with the school’s considered judgement of the performance of the student concerned at the examination in question. The attached appeal application form should be returned so as to reach the State Examinations Commission (SEC) by 5p.m. Thursday 12th November, 2020.

We will follow up with Student data in January, 2021.

5. Postponed Leaving Certificate Examinations

All students will have the opportunity to sit the postponed Leaving Certificate Examinations which are scheduled to begin on 16th November subject to public health advice. Please email if you wish to sit the postponed LCA year 1 examinations by 5p.m Thursday 12th November, 2020.


Following the conclusion of the review process a student may, if he/she wishes, get formal confirmation from an Independent Appeal Scrutineer that all appeal processes were carried out properly. The notification of the outcome of the appeals process in early December will also set out the procedure to be followed in the case of any student who wishes to make an application to an Appeal Scrutineer.


In general matters raised by candidates or their parents that necessitate contact with the Commission should be processed through the school authority concerned. Individual candidates or their parents who nonetheless wish to contact the SEC directly about the Leaving Certificate Applied Examination should be advised to use the SEC numbers: (090) 644 2727 or 644 2737 or (090)-644 2700 (SEC switchboard).

Issued by: Calculated Grades Executive Office

Date Issued: November 2020

Liam Ryder