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ACCS Information Note

Teacher Supply Survey 2022

ACCS is continuing to work on the issue of Teacher Supply as part of the Department of Education’s Consultative Forum. ACCS is anxious to get as much detail as possible from our schools regarding the experience of teacher recruitment this year. The information gained from previous year’s surveys was extremely valuable and gave us data which informed our discussions at that time.

This year’s survey is attached for completion by Thursday the 17th of November. The comments at the end of the survey in previous years were invaluable and we would be grateful if you would be able to do so again this year. This commentary created a very real picture of the experience of schools both in recruitment and in trying to create timetables.

Completed surveys should be returned to as Antoinette Nic Gearailt, Executive Member is collating this data on behalf of ACCS.

Thank you again for your co-operation.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


Teacher Supply Survey September 2022