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The Candle in the Window at Christmas

There is a historical and spiritual depth to the 17th-century Irish born Christmas tradition of lighting a candle in the window at Christmas.  Personally, I love this custom; its reminders are relevant and rich with reassurances….  

  • Don’t give up on what you believe in – find a way to bring Jesus into your heart and home.

  • Be the home of a hundred thousand welcomes - a refuge for yourself & others.

  • Hold onto the love that connects us - there will always be a light lit in that place we call Home.

  • Serve as a beacon - The road is lit for us to follow.

  • Make room for important relationships with our faith, our family and our friends.

Wishing all in the ACCS Community the Blessings of Christmas…

Beannacht Dé oraibh,

Maura Gilmore,

SCA Chairperson.