Invitation to ACCS DEIS Webinar Tuesday 10th November, 2020 from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.


School Principals, Deputy Principals, HSCL and relevant Coordinators in DEIS schools will have an opportunity to share experiences, revisit recent Inspection findings and recommendations in our schools and explore models of best practice. Schools will also have the chance to explore blended learning practices in different settings.

Content Includes:

  • ·  Governance in DEIS Schools

  • ·   Blended Learning Strategies and Ideas

  • ·   Promoting Wellbeing in the DEIS Context

Who should attend?

School Principals, Deputy Principals, HSCL and relevant Coordinators in DEIS schools

Participant Registration is required for this event:

Please register in advance by clicking on the link below: 

Delegates will receive a confirmation email from ACCS <> immediately after registering, containing a link and passcode to join the Webinar.

Please share this email containing registration link with potential participants from your school.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS

John Irwin