ACCS Information Note

Bishopstown C.S. - Irish Sign Language (ISL) St. Patrick's Day Challenge.

Good afternoon,

I have attached a letter explaining a St. Patrick’s Day challenge that students and teachers in Bishopstown Community School are leading.

We invited primary school children to learn the ISL version of the National Anthem and they have really answered the call. We have received many video submissions from primary schools across Ireland of children performing the National Anthem in ISL.

This means a lot to us as a school community, we are a post-primary school with a Deaf Facility with students and staff who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired. Now that the primary school children have risen to the challenge we are asking everyone else to learn how to sign Happy St Patrick’s Day and we are hoping that ACCS head office and ACCS schools would get involved.

I nominated 3 people to step up to the challenge including James Duignan, President ACCS and hopefully those 3 will then nominate the next 3 and so on. I asked James to nominate someone in ACCS head office.

It really doesn’t matter if you’re nominated or not it’s more about keeping the momentum going. So the more the merrier for learning the phrase and nominating others. Maybe include community or comprehensive schools to get the schools going. We have made a great start over the weekend with messages coming from the US.  

Please tag Bishopstown Community school on Facebook or on twitter @bishopstowncs we are using the #ISLPatricksDayChallenge. If anyone is on Instagram then its isl_national_anthem

You can use any of the materials attached to explain to others if you wish and don’t forget to get your video on social media tagging the 3 people you are nominating.

I have also attached a tutorial video which shows how to learn the signs.

Many thanks for accepting the challenge and helping us out.

Yours sincerely,

Edwina Gottstein, Principal

Bishopstown Community School

Westgate Road, Bishopstown, Cork, T12 CF79


Addendum: Letter to ACCS ISL Challenge

John Irwin