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Invitation to Special Education Needs/Inclusion Webinar - Thursday, 21st September 2023, 9.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

The ACCS SEN Sub-Committee invites you to attend the first webinar in this year’s series. We are delighted to welcome David McGuinness, Principal of Blakestown Community School and staff members, who will share their experience of planning for inclusion. There will also be a presentation on student transition to second level in September, followed by an open discussion for all participants.

Who should attend?

School leaders and personnel leading in SEN planning, coordination, and implementation at school level. E.g., Principal, Deputy Principal(s),SEN/Inclusion Coordinator.

Register for this webinar through the zoom link below:

Please forward the registration link to relevant participants in your school.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS