Invitation to Seminar Re: ICT Support for Schools, Wednesday 22nd February, 2023 10am-2.30pm in Microsoft Dream Space, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.

I am contacting you to invite you, on behalf of the ACCS ICT Sub-Committee, to a seminar focusing on issues in ICT and technology in our schools. Microsoft have kindly agreed to host the event in their Head Office/Dream Space facility in Dublin on Wednesday the 22nd of February 2023. (see poster attached)

The event will focus on a number of different areas including using Microsoft education library for staff training and upskilling, and also using educational software in the classroom and the school. This resource has been greatly enhanced recently and provides schools with a great opportunity to keep their staff upskilled in the area around teaching and learning.

There will be a presentation in the area of energy saving for technology which is something that is very relevant to schools at the moment. 

Webwise will discuss the different resources that are available to schools in tackling difficulties around social media and there will also be a segment which deals with protecting school ICT systems from cyber-attacks. 

The seminar is aimed primarily at school management and/or the school ICT coordinator. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. and conclude by 2:30 p.m. 


Places are limited to 50 participants so early registration is advised using the link below:

Registration closes on the 9th of February at 11:00 a.m. Further details will be forwarded to those who have gained a place after the closing date.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


Poster-Invitation to Seminar Re ICT Support for Schools

John Irwin