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Invitation to ACCS Competency Based Recruitment and Selection for Principal and Deputy Principal Appointments on Tuesday, 15th March 2022, 10.00 a.m. – 12 noon.

ACCS will be hosting a webinar to provide participants with an updated understanding of the competency-based approach to the appointment of a Principal or Deputy Principal and to address the Appeal System for permanent Principal and Deputy Principal appointments (Circular Letter 0062/2021).

This on-line CPD event will prepare Boards of Management and those nominated to Selection Committees for the recruitment and selection process. The contents will focus on the new appeal system and key aspects of the recruitment & selection process including advertising, competencies, shortlisting, questioning at interview, evaluating the evidence and the interview documentation.

Who should attend?

  • Selection Committee Members/Principals/Chairpersons of BOM.

  • This CPD will be of particular interest to schools who may have a vacancy for a Principal or Deputy Principal in the coming school year.

  • Newly appointed Principals, who have not already attended Competency Interview Training, may also find this In-Service beneficial. 

Participants should be nominated by a Board of Management in order to attend this training.

ACCS recommends that members of selection committees involved in appointments for Principal/Deputy Principal positions are trained in competency-based interviewing.

Note: The Competency Guide for the appointment of permanent Principals and Deputy Principals has now been updated to take full account of the new Appeal System for permanent Principal and Deputy Principal appointments (Circular Letter 0062/2021). This Guide is available to Chairpersons of Boards of Management on request from ACCS.

Delegate Registration is required for this Webinar:

Register in advance for this meeting by clicking on the Zoom link below:   

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS