Follow-Up from ACCS Webinar on 25th March 2021 - "Teacher Allocations and Further Updates

Thank you for attending this morning’s webinar which I hope you found useful and relevant.

Please find attached the PowerPoint presentation for your convenience. A recording of the webinar is available on the ACCS website at the following link

Good luck to the Jerusalema dance challenge schools; Ashbourne CS, Glenamaddy CS and Kenmare CS. We look forward to hosting your videos on the website and to hearing your nominations (3 schools each) in due course.

ACCS Head Office will remain open during Easter for any queries schools may have.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Easter. Most importantly, for you and your families, stay safe and keep well.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


ACCS Briefing Allocations + Further Updates Powerpoint

John Irwin