Child Talks 2021 Streamed Live by Ombudsman for Children's Office

Following a devastating 18 months for children and young people, the Ombudsman for Children’s Office hosted Child Talks 2021 on the 19th of November (to mark World Childrens Day), an opportunity for children to have their say on the impact the pandemic has had on their mental health, Direct Provision, scoliosis, gender equality, climate change and a range of other issues. The event was streamed live on

Child Talks 2021 was presented by speakers Katherine Amusan (17) from St Mark’s Community School and Oisin Putt (19) and was watched by students in classrooms across the country.  Katherine has been part of the ACCS Student Voice Forum for the past two years.

In keeping with this year’s theme, Children aged 10 to 17 shared their Hopes for the Future and called on those in positions of power, to listen and to learn from what they have to say.

Dr Niall Muldoon, the Ombudsman for Children said:

“Children have been through so much since March 2020 – they have missed out, fallen behind and taken the blame. The theme of this year’s Child Talks is My Hopes for the Future and it is inspiring to hear how our young people are dealing with challenges and looking forward.

“This year’s speakers bring so much hope and positivity highlighting the strength of our young people.”

The video of the event can be watched here:

More information on the Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) can be found here:

ACCS NewsDavid Cahill