ACCS/Info Bulletin 82/20

Nominations for the Election of Area Representatives to the ACCS Executive at Convention 2021.

The Executive of ACCS wishes to accommodate Boards of Management of Community and Comprehensive Schools that wish to make nominations, for the positions of ACCS Area Representatives that will be elected during the forthcoming Convention 2021.

It has been agreed at an Executive meeting which took place on the 18th December, 2015 that nominations should be submitted in advance of Convention. Only when insufficient numbers have been nominated to fill the positions of area representatives (Principal/non-Principal) for a constituency, then individual nominations for election in that constituency will be accepted at Convention.

Elections will take place at or prior to Convention 2021 to fill the positions of Area Representatives in the following constituencies: Connacht (2), Comprehensive Schools Sector (2), Dublin (3), Munster (3), Rest of Leinster (3) and Ulster (2). 

Boards of Management are now invited to nominate a current member of a Board of Management and/or current serving School Principal of a Community & Comprehensive School for election to the 2021/2022 ACCS Executive which will take place at Annual Convention on the 10th March, 2021. In the case where there are two or more seats, at least one must be a non-Principal.

Please submit written nominations on the enclosed form and return by post to ACCS, 10H Centrepoint Business Park, Oak Drive, Dublin 12. The closing date for receipt of written nominations from schools is 10th February, 2021.

Is mise, le mór mheas,


 Nominations to the 2021/2022 ACCS Executive

Liam Ryder