ACCS/Info Bulletin 33/21

1.         Arrangements for certain staff (School Secretaries, Caretakers, Cleaners, Bus Escorts) to reapply for categorisation as Very High Risk (VHR) for the 2021/22 School Year.

2.         Temporary Changes to

·         Career Break Scheme for registered teachers in the 2021/22 school year (TC 0015/2021).

·         Job-Sharing Scheme for registered teachers in the 2021/22 school year (TC 0016/2021).

·         Job-Sharing Scheme for Special Needs Assistants employed in post primary schools - 2021/22 school year (TC 0017/2021).

3.         COVID-19 – Temporary Substitution Arrangements for Special Needs Assistants – 2021/22 School Year (TC 0019/2021).

4.         Amendment to the Maternity Leave Scheme for

·         Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools (TC 0023/2021).

·         Special Needs Assistants employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools (TC 0024/2021).

5.         Employee Assistance Service.

1.         The Department has issued the attached letter regarding the arrangements for certain staff (School Secretaries, Caretakers, Cleaners, Bus Escorts) to reapply for categorisation as Very High Risk (VHR) for the 2021/22 School Year.

Staff categorised as Very High Risk (VHR) by the OHS (Medmark)

Where the OHS (Medmark) categorised an employee as VHR at any time before or during the 2020/21 school year, the COVID-19 Health Risk Categorisation Report will not be valid for the 2021/22 school year.

Existing Risk Categorisation Reports will expire on 31 August 2021, unless a new COVID-19 Health Risk Categorisation Report is provided by the employee.

The employee’s HR record should be updated accordingly.

New application process for Very High Risk for the 2021/22 school year

Any employee who is of the view that they remain at very high risk of serious illness from contracting COVID-19 (whether previously categorised or not) will need to submit a new application for the 2021/22 school year, as per the process set out in circulars 54/2020 or 21/2021, as appropriate.

The application ( should be submitted to the OHS (Medmark) by the 30thJuly 2021.

Arrangements for employees over 70 years of age

Some employees are considered VHR on the basis that they are over 70 years of age. Any employee over 70 who believes they have an underlying condition or other risk beyond solely age that would mean they may be considered VHR should now seek an assessment by the OHS (Medmark) under the process set out in circular letters 0054/2020 or 0021/2021 as appropriate in advance of the 2021/22 school year.

Future Potential Changes to Health Advice

A change in HSE advice during the 2021/22 school year may result in a health risk recategorization for a Very High Risk employee. Where there is a change in the HSE advice for the higher risk groups, the OHS will contact the employee who submitted a COVID-19 Risk Assessment Questionnaire in respect of the 2021/22 school year, to invite them to re-submit a new Questionnaire.

The Department is awaiting the latest public health advice on the approach to people at higher risk from COVID-19 in the workplace setting and it will update schools as soon as this advice is available. This will include clarifying the position around VHR staff who may wish to return to the workplace. For now, the approach outlined above should be undertaken by staff.

Please bring this letter and information to the attention of the relevant staff in your school, including those on leave of absence.

2.         Temporary Changes to:

·         Career Break Scheme for registered teachers in the 2021/22 school year (TC 0015/2021).

In order to increase the supply of teachers at post-primary level, certain restrictions (i.e. the limit of 300 hours) imposed in the Career Break Scheme will continue to be suspended for the 2021/22 school year. This means that a teacher on career break may be employed in a substitute capacity without restrictions on the days/hours worked. S/he may, therefore, teach up to 22 hours, in a substitute capacity, in a school in the 2021/22 school year.

·         Job-Sharing Scheme for registered teachers in the 2021/22 school year (TC 0016/2021).

The restriction of undertaking substitute teaching imposed in the Job-Sharing Scheme (chapter 8 of CL 54/2019) has been suspended for the 2021/22 school year.

The removal of this restriction means that a Job-Sharing teacher may now be employed to work in a substitute capacity during the period s/he is rostered off duty. Please note that this is limited to the Job-Sharing teacher carrying out substitute work in his/her own school to limit the spread of COVID-19.

·         Job-Sharing Scheme for Special Needs Assistants employed in post primary schools - 2021/22 school year (TC 0017/2021).

In response to issues raised in relation to Special Needs Assistant (SNA) supply, the restriction of engaging in substitute work imposed in the Job-Sharing Scheme (Paragraph 9.1 of Circular 41/2014) is suspended for the 2021/22 school year. This means that a Job-Sharing SNA may now be employed to work in a substitute capacity during the period s/he is rostered off duty.

This temporary change, however, is limited to the SNA carrying out substitute work in his/her own school. Please note that a Job-Sharing SNA undertaking a combination of work in a job-sharing capacity and as a substitute in his/her own school is not permitted to exceed their maximum number of weekly contracted hours i.e. their full-time SNA hours.

3.         COVID-19 – Temporary Substitution Arrangements for Special Needs Assistants – 2021/22 School Year (TC 0019/2021).

This Information Note advises schools of the revised arrangements in respect of substitution cover for certain SNA absences for the coming school year. These temporary measures are for the 2021/22 school year to assist schools in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under normal circumstances, substitute cover is not paid by the DES for the following Personal Leave absences:

·                Marriage/Civil Partnership Leave

·                Wedding of Immediate Family/Near Relative/In-Law

·                Witness in Court

·                Legal Separation

·                Exam Leave

However, for the 2021/22 school year, a school may appoint a substitute SNA paid by the Department for the Personal Leave absences listed above. This amendment to substitute arrangements does not change an individual SNA’s entitlement in respect of such leave.

All approved leave must be recorded on the OLCS system.

4.         Amendment to the Maternity Leave Scheme for:

·         Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools (TC 0023/2021).

Due to legislative changes, the Maternity Leave Scheme (chapter 2 CL 54/2019) has been amended as follows:

Maternity Leave Entitlement: 2.1 Paragraph 2.6 of the Maternity Leave Scheme is amended as follows:

‘In the event of a stillbirth, or miscarriage, any time after the 24th week of pregnancy, or where the child has a birth weight of at least 500 grammes, full Maternity Leave entitlements apply.’

·         Special Needs Assistants employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools (TC 0024/2021).

Due to legislative changes, paragraph 1.1 of Circuar 0017/2013 - Maternity Protection entitlements for Special Needs Assistants, has been amended as follows:

Maternity Leave Entitlement:

All pregnant special needs assistants, who give birth to a live child, or who reach their 24th week of pregnancy, are entitled to 26 weeks maternity leave and 16 weeks additional unpaid maternity leave. ‘In the event of a stillbirth, or miscarriage, any time after the 24th week of pregnancy, or where the child has a birth weight of at least 500 grammes, full Maternity Leave entitlements apply’.

5.         Employee Assistance Service.

The Department has advised that the Employee Assistance Service, available through Spectrum.Life, is extended to all school staff for the 2021/22 school year.

Is mise, Le mór mheas,



Letter re The need for Staff to reapply for Categorisation as VHR