ACCS/Info Bulletin 23/21

1. Accredited Grades Guidance and 2. Public Health Concerns.

1.   Accredited Grades Guidance.

The following Information has issued to all schools from the Department of Education in both Irish and English:

·     for Leaving Certificate 2021 – Guide for Schools on Providing Estimated Percentage Marks

·             Leaving Certificate Applied 2021 – Guide for Schools on Providing Estimated Percentage Marks

·             Accredited Grades: Key Dates to June 2021

While the process is very similar to that which applied to last year’s Calculated Grades process there are notable changes:

·             Teachers will not provide lists in rank order. Rank order will not be provided as part of the process but students in the same class and at the same level must receive a unique/individual estimated percentage mark.

·             There is a different process for providing Accredited Grades for Out of School Subjects and Out of School Learners. (Hence there are no forms C and D). Separate guidance has issued to schools on this process.

·             Indemnity has been more clearly defined and is extended to include Boards of Management and School Patrons.

·             Canvassing is addressed in a more structured manner where any alleged incidents of canvassing will be reported to the SEC who will investigate and have powers to withhold grades in a subject or in subject areas.

·             The process will be underpinned by legislation placing responsibility for the operation of the process under the State Examinations Commission.

·             There is a separate Guide for the LCA which is very welcome. Please note the extensive role of the LCA coordinator and the recommendation to provide support from Examination Aide days to the LCA coordinator.

Both guides will be accompanied by supporting videos outlining the process for school.  Further guidance is scheduled to issue to school management on the entry and collection of data on 24th May 2021. 

ACCS will host a Zoom Briefing next week (date to be decided). Further details will follow on Tuesday 4th May.

Key Dates:

1.  The Candidate Self-Service Portal where students can confirm their subject levels will close today 30th April 2021. Students who have already registered for Leaving Certificate subjects may amend their details on the Portal and apply for Accredited Grades in out of school subjects at this time if they have not already done so.

2.  Students of a non-curricular language must take the proficiency assessment on 8th May to get an Accredited Grade. All students of non-curricular languages are strongly advised to take the proficiency assessment, as well as completing the examinations in June as this is the only route to an Accredited Grade in these languages for Leaving Certificate 2021.

Unless students have applied for an Accredited Grade in their non-curricular language on the Candidate Self-Service Portal (CSSP), they will not receive an Accredited Grade even where they have completed the Proficiency Assessment. This portal closes today, 30th April 2021.

3.  The final date for transmission of the school’s estimated percentage marks from school is 3rd June 2021.

2.   Public Health Concerns.

Public Health continues to commend schools for the successful implementation of mitigation measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The evidence consistently shows these measures are successful in mitigating the risk of transmission in schools and must continue to be attended to.

With the current programme of reopening of society, it is important to realise the country remains in a delicate position where numbers of positive cases could rise with greater movement.There have been a number of events which have resulted in a rise in detected levels at post primary level in the last number of weeks and Public Health appreciate all support in ensuring the following messages are consistently delivered:

1.   Parties of any kind are not allowed.

2.   Congregations before or after school by parents or students are discouraged.

3.   Students or staff displaying symptoms must not attend at school.

Guidance is scheduled to issue from the Department of Education discouraging any unnecessary gatherings inside or outside of school and any unnecessary travel. All events must be planned within Public Health guidance.   

Is mise, Le mór mheas,



1.     AG Guide for Schools on Providing Estimated Perecentage Marks


3.     Accredited Grades - Key Dates to June 2021


5.     Gráid Chreidiúnaithe - Dátaí lárnacha go Meitheamh 2021

John Irwin