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ACCS/Info Bulletin 21/21

S 19/21 - Leaving Certificate 2021 Candidate Entries Reports & Storage of Examinations Paper Boxes.

S 19/21  -  Leaving Certificate 2021 Candidate Entries Reports.

The State Examinations Commission, SEC, has posted circular letter S 19/21 (attached) to accompany reports of candidates entries for examinations and for accredited grades to all schools.

The circular is accompanied with:

1.     Examinations Matrix: This Matrix provides details by candidate of the subjects in which the candidate has indicated their intention to sit Leaving Certificate examinations.

2.     Accredited Grades Matrix: This Matrix provides details by candidate of the subjects in which the candidate has indicated that they want to receive Accredited Grades.

Candidates may be shown on one or both matrices depending on their individual subject selections.

The issue of the enclosed documentation to schools at this time presents an opportunity to review the data presented. 

The circular also confirms the period of the reopening of the Candidate Portal as Tuesday 27 April to Friday 30 April. The level selected by candidates when the portal reopens will be the level at which the school must provide an estimated mark for the purposes of Accredited Grades. 

Candidates who choose to sit the examinations will be allowed to change level on the day of the examination.

The reports also include details of External Candidates that have nominated the school as the location at which they intend to sit their written examinations. School authorities should already be aware of the external candidates which are linked to the school. If these candidates opt for Accredited Grades your school is required to act as their host school/centre. If candidates appear on enclosed reports that do not have permission from the school to sit their examinations at the school, please contact the SEC at for further advice. 

Storage of examination paper boxes.

The SEC has also advised communication will be issued shortly to those schools which currently use Garda Stations for the secure storage of examination paper boxes. For public health reasons, SEC will be asking some 120 schools that do not store their own papers to consider whether they can take this on. We will be seeking the support and assistance of these schools in this regard. 

Is mise, Le mór mheas,



S 19/21 - Leaving Certificate 2021 Candidate Entries Reports & Storage of Examinations Paper Boxes.