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ACCS/Info Bulletin 17/21

Re: S13/21 Leaving Certificate Oral Language Examinations 2021 - Guidance to School Management.          

The Purpose of the attached document is to provide guidance to school management and teachers for the planning, organising, carrying out and recording of the 2021 Leaving Certificate oral interviews.

Language-specific sets of instructions for the teachers who will carry out the interviews, will issue separately in advance of the commencement of the oral interview window on 26 March.

Particular attention is drawn to Appendix 1 - Technical information in relation to the recording of the interviews.

  • Interviewer refers to the person who carries out the interview with the candidate.

  • Examiner refers to the SEC-appointed external examiner who will later listen to the recording and award the marks to the candidate.

  • Oral language interview refers to the activity that is being carried out in the school.

  • Examination refers to the whole process.

1.            Dates: The interviews will be conducted outside of tuition time between 26 March and 15 April and subject to public health advice. LCA (Year 1 & 2) language oral examinations will be carried out under similar arrangements in May.

2.            The school principal retains oversight of and overall responsibility for ensuring interviews are carried out in accordance with this guidance document and the Instructions for Oral Language Interviewers. See Appendix 2 for Principal’s Sign-Off record.

·         Data Privacy and GDPR

·         Appointment of teachers to conduct the oral language interviews

o   Schools should contact the PPLI directly at by 12 noon on Tuesday 23 March to discuss the assistance that may be available in the case of Russian, Japanese and Italian candidates where there may be no teacher in the school.

o   Garda Vetting (Contact ACCS as necessary).

·         Role of the Examination Aide – logistical support role including scheduling, supporting, technical assistance*, documentation and materials required to conduct the interviews.

o   Keep number appointed to a minimum and have standby list in case Aide is unavailable.

o   EA will be required to offer technical support re saving, checking and backing up recordings.

·         Role of the Interviewer (the teacher carrying out the interview)

o   The Instructions for Oral Language Interviewers - confidential and should not be circulated to candidates or to anyone who is not an interviewer or not otherwise involved.

3.            Public Health: See logistical arrangements for facilitating the oral language interviews.

4.            Candidates:

·         Identifying which candidates are taking the oral examinations.

o   SEC list + schools check with students in planning for the process.

·         External candidates

o   The list of candidates provided by the SEC will include both school-based and external candidates. EA contacts external student re interview time. Proof of identity by external candidate required on arrival to school.

·         Candidates with Adapted Education Provision

o   Alternative arrangements Guidance document is available at:

o   Audio recordings ONLY.

·         Candidates with approved Reasonable Accommodations (RACE Scheme).

·         Absence of a candidate through illness

o   Application for a late oral interview by 15 April + supported by relevant medical documentation. See Appendix 3. Timeframe for these interviews: 19 - 30 April. Return separately.

·         The Candidate Entry Roll and Interviewer’s Sign-off Record

o   SEC to issue pre-printed Candidate Entry Roll by 26 March.

o   (See EA to check lists and monitor signatures before interview takes place.)

o   Interviewers Sign-off Record (Appendix 4) + Sign off by EA/Principal.

o   Candidate Entry Roll Sign off by EA + Principal.

5.            Conducting the Interviews:

·         See separate guidelines.

6.            If something goes wrong:

·         Only one recording to be submitted + sign off of Interviewer’s report by EA/Principal .

7.            Returning the recordings and documentation to the SEC:

·         Backed Up recordings to be sent to SEC on or before 15 April. Instructions to issue from SEC. Schools will receive the posting and packaging materials and associated documentation in the week beginning 22 March.

8.            Appeals:

·         The scope of the appeal will not extend beyond the marking by the original SEC examiner of the oral proficiency demonstrated by the candidate on the recording.

9.            Payment of school-appointed personnel:

·         A separate SEC Finance Circular on Locally Appointed Personnel will issue in due course. Schools should retain records of those appointed to these roles and of the work completed to facilitate the completion of the claim form which will be provided.

·         Oral Interviewers will be added to approved list of school appointed personnel. See rates. Travel and Subsistence is not payable to oral interviewers. If school selects a teacher from outside the school, any travel and related expenses must be borne by the school.

·         Leaving Certificate Aides:

o   Schools have discretion to appoint an Examination Aide for the Orals as follows.

§     Schools with up to 120 Leaving Certificate Candidates 8 Days

§     Schools with 120 or more Leaving Certificate Candidates 10 Days

10.         Queries related to this guidance document should be directed by email to  or by phone to 090 644 2741/ 2745.

Please note also:

Ø    All examinations for 2021 must be arranged in accordance with public health requirements. To ensure that the final examinations for LCVP and Computer Science, both of which are held in May, can be fully compliant with public health guidance the dates for these examinations are confirmed as follows:

    • LCVP Links modules on the morning of Saturday 8 May.

    • LC Computer Science on the morning of Saturday 22 May.

Ø    Oral Conferences: Oral Language Interviewers facilitating the interviews at school level will receive SEC subject specific Instructions on Tuesday 23 March and will not be required to participate in Oral Conferences this year. Those engaged by the SEC as examiners will have a marking conference prior to assessing interviews and these are scheduled for early May.

Is mise, Le mór mheas,

