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ACCS/Info Bulletin 10/21

The Phased Re-opening of Post-Primary Schools.

Staffing arrangements re: Phase 1 (return of special classes) and Phase 2 (return of Leaving Certificate classes):

In relation to the re-opening of special classes in post-primary schools this week and the return of Leaving Certificate classes on Monday next, 1st March 2021, all staff, including teachers and SNAs who work in special classes/with Leaving Certificate classes are required to return to work, other than in circumstances provided for in the attached TCC Information Notes on temporary staffing arrangements or where staff are on approved leave (Information Note 0003/2021, Information Note 0004/2021, Information Note 0007/2021 and Information Note 0008/2021).

The temporary staffing arrangements have been put in place to deal with situations where teachers and SNAs may be unable to attend the workplace due to specific circumstances and require more flexibility in relation to leave arrangements.

Staff included in the temporary staffing arrangements are:

  • those identified by the OHS (Medmark) as being at high risk,

  • staff who are over 60 and

  • staff who are pregnant.

 Staff categorised by OHS (Medmark) as at high risk of COVID-19 or staff who are over 60 years:

A school may facilitate more flexible working arrangements and/or permit a teacher/SNA to continue to work remotely during these phased re-opening stages where s/he has been categorised by the OHS as at high risk of serious illness if s/he contracts COVID-19 and/or if a teacher/SNA is over 60 years.

It should be noted that these are temporary measures and may include re-assignment of that teacher/SNA to other duties within the school or at home during the phased re-opening of schools. Schools should refer to the relevant TCC Information Notes and circular letter 49/2020 for guidance in this regard, in particular, the duties which may be assigned.

  • A teacher who has been categorised as High Risk by Medmark who is facilitated to work remotely during these periods of phased return to school, should be recorded under the OLCS leave subcategory ‘Personal Leave’, sub-category titled ‘COVID-19: Very High Risk Group’.

  • A substitute may be needed for a staff member on temporary or flexible arrangements or on approved leave.

Pregnant teachers/SNAs at higher risk of COVID-19:

  • During these periods of phased return to school, a pregnant teacher/SNA should consider themselves in the High Risk category and the teacher/SNA should temporarily continue to work remotely.

  • In this regard, a pregnant teacher/SNA who is facilitated to work remotely, must be recorded by the employer under the OLCS leave sub-category ‘Personal Leave’, sub-category titled ‘COVID-19: Very High Risk Group’.

  • The school may appoint a substitute paid by the Department to replace the pregnant teacher/SNA in the classroom.

In circumstances where staff members cannot attend due to illness, substitution arrangements will apply.

Access to special leave with pay remains in place for teachers/SNAs where appropriate medical or HSE confirmation of COVID-19 diagnosis or recommendation to self-isolate is provided, in accordance with the HSE Guidelines and in line with circular letter 49/2020.

Note: SNAs on approved leave and where necessary on flexible arrangements can be substituted by paid substitutes. However, schools should in the first instance assign one of their SNAs who would normally work with those other than in the special class to attend the workplace.

Supervision & Substitution Scheme:

During these phases the supervision and substitution (S&S) scheme is not practical and will be suspended. Schools are advised to use the DES COVID Supervision Fund to meets their supervision requirements.

Temporary Changes to Parental Leave and Unpaid Leave Schemes:

Temporary changes have also been introduced to the terms and conditions of the Parental Leave Scheme and the Unpaid Leave Scheme for teachers and SNAs during these partial re-opening phases in order to provide a level of flexibility for teachers/SNAs who cannot source childcare for school age children.

Ø  The 6 weeks notification required for both Parental Leave and Unpaid Leave have been waived during this period of phased re-opening.

Ø  A teacher/SNA may be unable to attend the workplace on certain days during this period, due to specific circumstances. The school should, having considered the circumstances, approve Parental Leave in blocks of less than one week, where the teacher/SNA is eligible to apply for Parental Leave.

Ø  Prior to the approval of such a Parental Leave arrangement, the school and the teacher/SNA must agree in advance, the pattern of workplace attendance, during this period of phased return to school.

All arrangements outlined above are temporary measures and are in place only for these periods of phased return to school where, to minimise movement in the State, schools are not in a position to re-open fully.

All flexible arrangements should be approved by the Board of Management on a temporary basis in compliance with the attached Information Notes. 


Childcare facilities remain open to provide childcare for children of essential workers. The Department of Children has provided FAQs and information on subsidies that may be available for education sector staff. The FAQs are available on  A household of an essential worker can also form a bubble with another household for the purposes of childcare

Enhanced Cleaning:

As schools have partially reopened for the provision of in-school learning for priority groups and can utilize the whole of the school premises as required, enhanced cleaning regimes should resume in these schools.

Return to Work Form:

A Return to Work Form should be completed and returned to the school before returning to work. Alternatively, schools may request staff (in writing) to confirm that the details in the Pre-Return-to-Work Form remain unchanged following this period of school closure.

Surgical Grade Masks for all SNAs:

The revised HPSC guidelines recommended medical grade masks of the standard EN14683 for all SNAs and Special Education teachers. The Department has confirmed that funding for all required PPE is being provided for the coming term. Any school that needs additional funding for PPE should contact the Department.

The Path Ahead – The Full Return to School:

An Taoiseach has indicated that, subject to public health advice, 5th Year students will return to school on 15th March 2021 and all remaining post-primary students on 12th April 2021 following Easter break.

Is mise, Le mór mheas,