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ACCS: Invitation to SEN Webinar - Thursday, 4th May 2023, 9.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

The ACCS SEN Sub-Committee invites you to attend the final webinar in this year’s series. This webinar will focus on one school’s experience of an SEN inspection. We are delighted to welcome Rachel Hayes, Principal of John The Baptist Community School who will present on the learnings from the inspection for the school SEN team including timetabling, planning and the development of strategies for design and implementation of SEN resources at classroom and whole school level. 

During the webinar we will give participants an opportunity to discuss follow up queries about Co-teaching and Level Two Learning Programmes which were topics of previous webinars in the series. Finally, there will be an opportunity for participants to review and plan for topics for inclusion and consideration in next year’s series.   

Who should attend? 

School leaders and personnel leading in SEN planning, coordination, and implementation at school level. E.g., Principal, Deputy Principal(s),SEN Coordinator.

Register for this webinar through the zoom link below:

Please forward the registration link to relevant participants in your school.

Kindest regards, 

Áine O’Sullivan, Assistant General Secretary, ACCS