Reminder: ACCS Invitation for Teachers & Students engaged in Student Voice work in schools

ACCS Invitation for Teachers & Students engaged in Student Voice work in schools to attend Webinar on May 18th, 1pm–3pm: "What helps students in their learning… A professional reflection exercise" Part 3.

On Wednesday, March 2nd from 1pm-3pm ACCS hosted a webinar facilitated by Gerard O’Sullivan (NCCA) and Ger Halbert along with Dr Domnall Fleming (UCC) and Áine O'Sullivan (ACCS). The format included a guided conversation/panel discussion followed by school conversations in break out rooms.

The final webinar in this series "What helps students in their learning…” is scheduled for May 18th from 1pm-3pm. This will be an opportunity for schools to share their experiences of work carried out this year. The focus of this webinar is not on showcasing finished projects as we recognise that much of the work on promoting student voice in schools is ongoing. In preparing for the webinar, teachers and students can use the following prompts which are based on the Lundy Model when reflecting on the initiative/SV work. Both staff and students are invited to attend this webinar and may choose to co-present the school project.  

1.What is the aim of your project?
2.Who is involved?
3.Where is the space(s)? Safe and Inclusive
4.How are the students able to express the ideas, opinions? 
5.Who is listening? How do you know? 
6.What difference is this making to the individual(s) school community?  
7.What are the big messages? What’s next? 
8.If you were to start this project again, would you do anything differently? 
9.What do the young people involved say about their experience? 

Over the next few weeks, we will post to the ACCS Student Voice MS Teams forum some resources (next week’s post will be on how the student representative space takes a new turn when schools look at selection for Student Councils totally differently) and feedback from previous webinars. We will also outline a proposal which will take our work to the planned Citizen’s Assembly on the Future of Education (CAFÉ). We think the ACCS voice will be a really important one at this assembly and will be looking for schools and students to participate in workshops around this area in the next school year. Please keep an eye on the posts to the forum and for those who are not currently on there, please advise if you wish to be included and send Dave your preferred email details. 

In the meantime, please let us know via the forum or directly to this email if you would like some support with/to have a chat with any of us about the work/project which you have initiated in school promoting learner voice this year. We look forward to meeting everyone on 18th May.

For the webinar on 18th May, schools are asked to nominate students from across Junior and Senior Cycle to attend the webinar with the liaison teacher(s). 

Students and Teachers registering for the webinar should use the email address attached to the Zoom account they intend to access the webinar on. Please make sure your zoom client is up to date. Click on the link or scan the attached QR code which will bring you to Zoom’s update information page. There you will find information on why you should keep your version of Zoom updated, information on new features, and links to download the latest version of Zoom for your device.

Note: To allow full engagement in the conversation and discussions within breakout rooms, we recommend that the students are registered on separate emails and can attend on separate devices. Of course, some students may wish to share a device, and, in this case, they will be able to access the breakout room together on the same device. Where participants are registered on separate emails and on separate devices, to minimise feedback it would be best if each participant were in a separate location, however, that may not be possible, so we would ask that if using separate devices in the same room, then participants should use headphones and keep mics muted unless speaking. A handy tip for pc or mac users, is that the spacebar acts like a ‘push to talk’ button on a walkie talkie and will activate the mic for as long as the spacebar is depressed. 

Participants are requested to register on the link below by 5pm, Monday May 16th so that breakout rooms can be populated before the event:

Please note that this event may be recorded.  

Please contact Áine O'Sullivan, Assistant General Secretary at if you have any queries on this event. 

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS



John Irwin