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ACCS: Information Note re CPD Events November 2021

ACCS is delighted to host the following CPD events as part of our CPD Programme over the coming weeks. Please ensure that this information/invitation is circulated to the relevant Board members and school staff. The Student Voice Webinar below includes an invitation to nominate students – please ensure that participating students are accessing the webinar using an official school email. Please note each of these events will be recorded. 

Governance In Schools: Board of Management Training: The Employer & HR Issues in School 
(Monday 8th November 7.00pm - 8.30pm) 

This webinar will provide the opportunity for Principals, Secretaries of Boards of Management, Chairpersons of Boards of Management and Board of Management Members to discuss the following topics; Key HR responsibilities of a Board of Management; Employment legislation; HR policies and procedures; Appointments and selection committees; Leadership & management oversight; Staff wellbeing. 

Register in advance for this webinar by clicking on the link below:

DEIS Webinar for Schools: Embedding DEIS in the Classroom 
(Tuesday 9th November 9.30am - 11.00am) 

This webinar is planned to support colleagues in school leading out on DEIS and will focus on setting the context, planning, and embedding DEIS in our schools. This webinar will be facilitated by DE Inspector, Maria Lorigan. 

Please register in advance for the webinar:

SEN Webinar for Schools: The What and Why of Inclusion and the SEN Inspection Model 
(Tuesday 9th November 11.30am - 1.30pm) 

This webinar is planned to support colleagues in school leading out on SEN and will focus on building inclusive practices in classrooms. It will also explore the features and timelines of SEN Evaluations. This webinar will be facilitated by DE Inspector, Shirley B. Murphy. 

Please register in advance for the webinar:

Student Voice Webinar for Schools: Voice in the Representative Space 
(Thursday 18th November 1.00pm - 3.00pm) 

This webinar is planned to support colleagues in school leading on Student Voice initiatives in the Representative Space in schools including Student Councils, Green Schools, Student Leadership projects etc. Schools are asked to nominate two students in the representative space in your school to attend the webinar with liaison teachers. This webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Domnall Fleming and Ger Halbert and will include opportunities for schools to share practices and to examine how structures in schools can enable and act as barriers to authentic Student Voice. 

Please register your nominated students and teachers before Friday 12th November. While this is an online event, it will involve two separate breakout/chat rooms and so numbers will be limited to those registering by this date. Please use school emails for this purpose. 

Register in advance for this meeting:

We hope that you and/or colleagues will be able to join us for these CPD events in the coming weeks.

Survey for Unmet demand for teachers in schools 2021/2022.

Thank you to all schools which have completed the Department of Education Survey for Unmet demand for teachers in schools 2021/2022. For schools which have not had a chance to complete the survey, it remains open for another short while.  As you are aware the purpose of this survey is to collect information on the subjects for which schools could not fill vacancies OR used “out-of-field” teachers to fill vacancies for the 2021/2022 academic year. Your answers form an important part of the Department of Education's subject teacher projections, which in turn will inform teacher supply planning. 

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS